When I first entered my complex search string that I had used for both Google and Google scholar into the A+ Education database search unfortunately no results were obtained.  I think this is because of the parenthesis used in the complex search string. After removing the parentheses, quite a few relevant results were obtained.  I think on the whole because most of the sources within A+ Education are of a scholarly level, there is no need to be as specific as you would be with Google and Google Scholar, especially in regards to complex search strings.  
When my second search eventually worked, one thing I immediately noticed about A+ Education was the abstract section highlighting words from my search string.  At a quick glance you could see how regularly the words appeared and because I had taken out the parentheses it was good to see how "inquiry based learning" appeared in the text. It was also helpful to have the abstract right in front of you instead of having to click on the record to actually see what it is about, this meant that I could quickly read through the abstracts to decide if the source was relevant to my needs.  

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